7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider

Top Rural Government Jobs To Consider

7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider
7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider

Rural Settlements

Rural government jobs are necessary to facilitate rural development. The rural settings in many developing and even developed economies seem like they are forgotten. In the real sense the rural areas play a core function of developing the urban areas. Most industries in the cities depend on raw materials from the farms of which most of them are located in the rural areas. Most of the work force in the manufacturing industries come from the rural areas.

However, it is not all countries forget the rural settings as there is a significant population that needs government attention too. In the United States there are many rural government jobs that pay well and so attract civil servants to work in the rural areas.

Farm hand

7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider
7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider

Farm hand is a government post that is competitive. A farm hand expert is person who works in the farm along with other farmers in the rural areas. It is a career that deals with organic agriculture that ensures there is high quality produce and is sold at the rice price to the right buyers. It is an interesting career for those who have interest in the farm work.

Wildlife specialist

Wildlife is an interesting aspect in most economies as it is an important destination for tourists. To be attractive to tourists the wildlife needs specialists who will guide others. Thus in the list of rural government jobs a wildlife specialist is one of the post considered.

This post requires the specialist together with other fellow workers to do lots of activities that will make the wildlife a safe place for tourism. The experts have to learn the animals behavior which will help them guide tourists safely. They need to know what should be done in case of emergence. The post pays competitively, and it is one of those posts that make rural life have cash flow.


The needs of electricity are a bit different in the categories of developed economies and developing economies. In developing economies many rural areas don’t have electricity and so the post of an electrician is not lucrative job. However, in the developed countries the rural population needs electricity just as their urban counterparts.

Since there is need of electricity in the rural developed economies an electrician post becomes necessary. In the US this is an important post the specialist serves the needs of the rural people. The good thing about rural posts is there is close relationship even with the clients which facilitates the job. The post pays well and so competitive as well.

Bus driver

7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider
7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider

The rural population just as the urban one needs a means of transport. Most government in collaboration with the private sector have well defined public transport systems especially in developed economies. Most of the public transport system is in the urban areas where there population is large.

The fact that the rural population is small makes it forgotten and thus public transport in the rural areas is not well developed. However, some well organized government send at least some buses to serve their rural population. A bus driver is one of the rural government jobs that is competitive and attract good number of individuals for the post.


Rural community pharmacists jobs are competitive in some countries. The rural pharmacist plays an important role especially in developing countries. In some countries they play an important role of educating the rural population on the use of drugs and medicines prescribed by doctors. Some doctors simply prescribe the medicine to be used without additional information and so some pharmacists complement them.


A teacher is a person who has a heavy task of educating learners in both urban and rural settlements. In developing countries, a teacher is more than just a teacher s/he is an important person that people in the rural areas trust and depend on them for informative information.

Rural schools need teachers who are much dedicated and ready to go extra steps ahead when compared with their urban counterparts. Most pupils in the urban settlements know the importance of going to school where as in some rural areas especially in developing countries children need to be reminded of their responsibility.


A doctor is a post needed everywhere in the urban as well as in the rural settings. Doctors in the urban areas are found in huge hospitals and take care of a large population. In the rural areas, it is different as the population is small and attended in small and medium hospitals. A rural doctor may need to be specialist in rural needs as there could be specific problems associated with the geographical area. A post of a rural doctor is highly paying and so competitive as well.

7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider
7 Top Rural Government Jobs You Should Consider


I hope the article on rural government jobs has given you some insights on how the opportunities are demanding but also needed. The rural population though scattered and small compared to the urban areas need all basic needs just as the urban population.

In the article we have highlighted the difference of these rural post in developing and developed economies. In some developing economies accessibilities of some facilities are very much limited. Electricity accessibility in many developing African countries is very much limited and thus limiting individuals from benefits of electricity. Public transport is poorly developed in the developing countries where as in the developed countries it is much better.

Frequently Asked Questions

The subject of government jobs is interesting to many individuals coming out of college and seeking for employment. Most Job seekers have priorities when it comes to a post and location of the job, however, some individuals love their profession so much that are ready to go anywhere.

Rural posts would be good posts to individuals who go with the passion of serving others not only for the drive of cash. Cash is important as it helps them live up to the standards but it should not be the only criterion to choose a rural post. Readers of this subject have lots of questions which are represented by the following:

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  2. Are there rural government jobs near me?
  3. Where there opportunities in rural government jobs 2022?
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